Solutions To Support Your Business

Having everything your business needs under one easy-to-use, all-inclusive platform makes your life as an entrepreneur so much easier. Say goodbye to constant updates, extra plugins, and

toggling between your computer and your phone.

Think of what you can do with that extra free time!

Complete CRM

Complete CRM

The EO Web Systems Customer Relationship Manager is the hub of your business. All of your customers' info is kept here -- from who they are to all of the conversations you've had with them via emails, texts, or social media DMs -- wrapped up in one easy-to-use area. And for even more convenience, you can access your CRM from our mobile app. This means you can do work stuff from anywhere (like, say, by the pool).

The EO Web Systems Customer Relationship Manager is the hub of your business. All of your customers' info is kept here -- from who they are to all of the conversations you've had with them via emails, texts, or social media DMs -- wrapped up in one easy-to-use area. And for even more convenience, you can access your CRM from our mobile app. This means you can do work stuff from anywhere (like, say, by the pool).

Social Media Scheduler

Social Media Scheduler

Another time-saving gem! No need to create and publish your posts manually when you can do them ahead of time and from one place. Your EO Web Systems social media scheduler allows you (or a helper) create and schedule all of your socials, including uploading bulk posts with a CSV if you're organized like that. Simply connect any social media accounts that you have -- Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and GMB -- and watch the likes roll in. And to help keep you distraction-free, you can respond to your DMs inside the CRM rather than grabbing your phone and losing yourself down that rabbit hole. #GameChanger

Another time-saving gem! No need to create and publish your posts manually when you can do them ahead of time and from one place. Your EO Web Systems social media scheduler allows you (or a helper) create and schedule all of your socials, including uploading bulk posts with a CSV if you're organized like that. Simply connect any social media accounts that you have -- Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and GMB -- and watch the likes roll in. And to help keep you distraction-free, you can respond to your DMs inside the CRM rather than grabbing your phone and losing yourself down that rabbit hole. #GameChanger

LinkTree Pages

LinkTree Pages

Want to have your socials link to more than one URL? Create your own LinkTree-style page so your followers know where you want them to go and see what you have to offer. Customize your logo or profile pic, add a popping background, tweak the buttons to the style that you want, and then connect it to your social media accounts.

Want to have your socials link to more than one URL? Create your own LinkTree-style page so your followers know where you want them to go and see what you have to offer. Customize your logo or profile pic, add a popping background, tweak the buttons to the style that you want, and then connect it to your social media accounts.



Media Storage

Media Storage

Wouldn't it be nice to have all of your website and social media images in one place? How about your course videos and your freebie PDFs? Adding to that wish list, what if you could organize it all into customizable folders? And wouldn't it be amazing if that access was just a click away and you had unlimited storage? Your wish is granted within the EO Web Systems platform. Media handled.

Wouldn't it be nice to have all of your website and social media images in one place? How about your course videos and your freebie PDFs? Adding to that wish list, what if you could organize it all into customizable folders? And wouldn't it be amazing if that access was just a click away and you had unlimited storage? Your wish is granted within the EO Web Systems platform. Media handled.





Your life as an entrepreneur shouldn't be bogged down with working deeply in your business. Let automations free up your valuable time so you can work on your business instead. Create as many automations as you'd like, including auto-reminder emails/texts, assigning of tags, workflows, custom values, forms, and payments -- just to name a few.

Your life as an entrepreneur shouldn't be bogged down with working deeply in your business. Let automations free up your valuable time so you can work on your business instead. Create as many automations as you'd like, including auto-reminder emails/texts, assigning of tags, workflows, custom values, forms, and payments -- just to name a few.



Forms, Quizzes, & Surveys

Forms, Quizzes,

& Surveys

Get to know your potential customers easily with these features. Use forms to help people contact you, schedule appointments, book services, sign up for workshops or freebies, etc. Quizzes and surveys are a great way to collect leads or gain feedback from existing customers so you can discover better ways to serve them. The options are endless.

Get to know your potential customers easily with these features. Use forms to help people contact you, schedule appointments, book services, sign up for workshops or freebies, etc. Quizzes and surveys are a great way to collect leads or gain feedback from existing customers so you can discover better ways to serve them. The options are endless.



Invoices, Contracts, & Documents

Invoices, Contracts, & Documents

If your business practices involve invoicing clients or sending them documents or contracts, EO Web Systems has you covered. Schedule invoices to go out when you want them to. Create contracts or document templates and then customize them for each individual client. Have your clients sign the documents electronically, attach your invoice to the doc, giving them the ability to pay right then and there, and watch the money flood in.

If your business practices involve invoicing clients or sending them documents or contracts, EO Web Systems has you covered. Schedule invoices to go out when you want them to. Create contracts or document templates and then customize them for each individual client. Have your clients sign the documents electronically, attach your invoice to the doc, giving them the ability to pay right then and there, and watch the money flood in.



Review Collections

Review Collections

Social proof is everything for a business. It shows that you're a legit company and gives potential customers confidence in what you're selling. Use the EO Web Systems review collection tools to automatically ask your clients for their reviews of your products or services. Simply send a text or email to your clients, asking for their review. Connect your EO Web Systems account with your Google and Facebook accounts, and your customer reviews will automatically be published there for the world to see. Feel weird about asking for the reviews? We got you. Simply create a workflow to ask them, and then let the automation take it from there.

Social proof is everything for a business. It shows that you're a legit company and gives potential customers confidence in what you're selling. Use the EO Web Systems review collection tools to automatically ask your clients for their reviews of your products or services. Simply send a text or email to your clients, asking for their review. Connect your EO Web Systems account with your Google and Facebook accounts, and your customer reviews will automatically be published there for the world to see. Feel weird about asking for the reviews? We got you. Simply create a workflow to ask them, and then let the automation take it from there.



Booking Calendars

Booking Calendars

It's like having a virtual receptionist handling things for you! Offer discovery calls for potential customers? Want your clients to be able to book services from your website? Have multiple team members that need to be booked individually? Handled. Connect your Google or Outlook calendar to your EO Web systems account and never double-book (or forget!) a meeting again.

It's like having a virtual receptionist handling things for you! Offer discovery calls for potential customers? Want your clients to be able to book services from your website? Have multiple team members that need to be booked individually? Handled. Connect your Google or Outlook calendar to your EO Web systems account and never double-book (or forget!) a meeting again.



URL Redirects

URL Redirects

Flexibility in business is important. That's where having a URL redirect option is really helpful. Let's say you're no longer offering a product or freebie. Instead of a potential client getting a 404 error page popping up, use the URL redirect to send them to a new page that you choose. Maybe you've made a big pivot in your business and want old customers to visit your new biz instead. The URL redirect will send them from to in the blink of an eye.

Flexibility in business is important. That's where having a URL redirect option is really helpful. Let's say you're no longer offering a product or freebie. Instead of a potential client getting a 404 error page popping up, use the URL redirect to send them to a new page that you choose. Maybe you've made a big pivot in your business and want old customers to visit your new biz instead. The URL redirect will send them from to in the blink of an eye.



Subscriptions & Coupons


& Coupons

The world is full of subscriptions, and for small businesses, having a source of recurring revenue is an incredible source of income. Whether you offer a monthly membership for a service, a subscription box, or a course, customize as many subscriptions as you'd like. And because everyone likes to get a discount, create coupons to help your clients feel like they're getting a fabulous deal.

The world is full of subscriptions, and for small businesses, having a source of recurring revenue is an incredible source of income. Whether you offer a monthly membership for a service, a subscription box, or a course, customize as many subscriptions as you'd like. And because everyone likes to get a discount, create coupons to help your clients feel like they're getting a fabulous deal.

Podcast Friendly

Podcast Friendly

Sharing your wisdom with the world via podcasting? Let your episodes live on your website for anyone to hear! Simply connect your podcast to your website and let your expertise play on repeat.

Sharing your wisdom with the world via podcasting? Let your episodes live on your website for anyone to hear! Simply connect your podcast to your website and let your expertise play on repeat.



Want to know how certain aspects of your business performs? Your EO Web Systems dashboard will give you the all the details on things like Google Analytics and Facebook ads. See what stage your students are at inside the course analytics section. Discover where clients are inside your email nurture sequence workflow. Figure out which funnel is out-performing in A/B testing. So many ways to geek out on specifics inside your business, which translates to refining your messaging, serving more people, and making more money.

Want to know how certain aspects of your business performs? Your EO Web Systems dashboard will give you the all the details on things like Google Analytics and Facebook ads. See what stage your students are at inside the course analytics section. Discover where clients are inside your email nurture sequence workflow. Figure out which funnel is out-performing in A/B testing. So many ways to geek out on specifics inside your business, which translates to refining your messaging, serving more people, and making more money.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Programs

Having an affiliate program for your business, course, or membership can be a great way to expand your company's reach, ultimately bringing in more customers into your ecosystem. Create as many different affiliate programs as you'd like. Offer different affiliate tiers, customize affiliate payout amounts, and even give your affiliates access to their own dashboard so they can check on their stats.

Having an affiliate program for your business, course, or membership can be a great way to expand your company's reach, ultimately bringing in more customers into your ecosystem. Create as many different affiliate programs as you'd like. Offer different affiliate tiers, customize affiliate payout amounts, and even give your affiliates access to their own dashboard so they can check on their stats.

Pipelines &

Opportunities Trackers

Pipelines & Opportunities Trackers

If your business would benefit from keeping track of what stages your leads are in, these EO Web Systems features will make your life so much easier! Using the magic of automations, you'll be able to see where each lead is in relation to their customer journey quickly inside of your dashboard. You could even assign a score to each step, painting a better picture of how warm a potential client is.

If your business would benefit from keeping track of what stages your leads are in, these EO Web Systems features will make your life so much easier! Using the magic of automations, you'll be able to see where each lead is in relation to their customer journey quickly inside of your dashboard. You could even assign a score to each step, painting a better picture of how warm a potential client is.

Help Library + Support

Help Library + Support

Say goodbye to tech tears forever! Our EO Web Systems support team will help your business run smoothly, whether you built your website on your own or had one of our professionals design it for you. With almost 900 articles to help answer any question you may have -- plus our email support and private support group -- you'll feel like we're sitting in a chair next to you, helping you every step of the way. All included in your regular monthly rate.

Say goodbye to tech tears forever! Our EO Web Systems support team will help your business run smoothly, whether you built your website on your own or had one of our professionals design it for you. With almost 900 articles to help answer any question you may have -- plus our email support and private support group -- you'll feel like we're sitting in a chair next to you, helping you every step of the way. All included in your regular monthly rate.




-Free/Paid Communities


-Certification Programs


Website Builder

Website Templates

Email Marketing

WordPress Hosting

SMS + WhatsApp Marketing

Chat Widget

eCommerce Shop






Review Collection

Customized Affiliate Program

CRM Mobile App


Help Library + Support

Social Media Scheduler:










-Media Storage




-Booking Calendars



-URL Redirects






© EO Web Systems 2024 | All Rights Reserved